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These petitions to SCOTUS  should of been denied for not complying with Federal law to apply at the district court in which the prisoners were held. 28 USC 2242. The  2255.Motions to vacate were at the court of their conviction and sentencing. I will find out if the outcome is the same for 28 USC 2241 filings. 



          Clerk of SCOTUS treats marijuana petitions for writ of habeas corpus as a writ of certiorari in violation of court rules. They were denied by Clerk Harris under Rule 20.2 by applying Certiorari Rules 14. 1.(g)(h) appeals. These rules are not applicable to the filing for writ of habeas corpus to SCOTUS having appellate jurisdiction by Article III section 2 authorized by statutue. 28 U.S.C 2241. 

All petitions for writ of Habeas corpus to SCOTUS were denied by the clerk because they did not comply SCOTUS Rule 20.2. to follow the form of Rule 14 for writ of certiorari.           They should have been denied for not complying 28 U.S.C. 2243 and SCOTUS rule 20. 4. (a)

 “If addressed to the Supreme Court, a justice thereof or a circuit judge it shall state the reasons for not making application to the district court of the district in which the applicant is held.”

My error not recognizing that where the applicant is held is where they are incarcerated. I learned this when I started assisting inmates with 2241 petition for writ of Habeas corpus. Three have been filed.



Habeas relief is about liberty, freedom from government custody.


SCOTUS rules are inconsistent with federal law. SCOTUS is above the law.


       Federal Judges in 12 U.S. District Courts have declared being incarcerated is not a substantial denial of any constitutional rights and denied  certificate of apppealability in 2255 motions to vacate.Six went to the Supreme Court of the United States that have the relevant documents from the U. S. District Court.



Rule 20. 4.(b) The court should order a response.  But rules are inconsistent w/ 28 U.S.C. 2241, 2243. The law says a Justice thereof decides to order a response not the court. 


Habeas corpus case to SCOTUS, a justice thereof, has original appellate  jurisdiction to grant, deny or order  a response.





 By Rule 20. 4. (b) SCOTUS should of order a response. They were all denied as a petition for writ of certiorai for not complying with Rule 20.2 to comply Rule 14 (g)(h) an appeal from a lower court.

Many petitions for Habeas corpus were returned for failing to comply with Rule 14. I do have copies of those letter.


Now I am sending out 28 USC 2241 forms for habeas corpus


The court rules for habeas corpus are inconsistent within themselves and inconsistent with federal laws.



Other U.S. District Court  Habeas Corpus Cases


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